Welcome to Sophie & Mollies

08 May 2012

Welcome to Sophie & Mollies

Welcome to Sophie and Mollies Apex's Premier Women's Designer Clothing Boutique! 

At Sophie and Mollies our goal is to have a wide assortment of styles that can fit any occasion! We buy all of our designer clothing at market with our Apex and Cary clients in mind, so we know you'll love our inventory.

Our online store is going to contain a lot of our newer and seasonal items, and we will make sure you are kept up to date on our sales and trunk shows!

We are located in Downtown Apex. Our store opened in September 2011 and we are so happy to be at this great location. Downtown Apex offers so much to do and see. We have lots of restaurants, shops, and the unique downtown atmosphere, Downtown Apex offer everyone in the family a great experience.